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Land Mobile Applications: Overview of Steps

Before you begin, you should be familiar with the components of a land mobile application and the types of applications you can create.

To create and submit a land mobile application:

  1. If you have not already done so, create a Web Profile so that you will have a user name and password to access the secure areas of the Spectrum Direct site.
  2. From the Spectrum Direct main menu, click the Land Mobile Applications link to access the list of your land mobile applications. Log in when prompted to do so.
  3. From the list of applications, create a new application by creating and completing a covering letter.
  4. From the covering letter, go to the Application Summary. The Application Summary is your central point of access to all components of your application.
  5. If you are applying for a complex system, create a channel plan.
  6. If your system includes a fixed station or transportable station, create a new fixed station. Your new fixed station will include at least one frequency that in turn may include filters. Before you proceed, complete the environmental attestation for your fixed station.
  7. If your system includes mobile stations, create a new mobile station. Your new mobile station will include at least one frequency.
  8. Return to the Application Summary, where you can verify and submit your application.

Once submitted, your application will be evaluated by Industry Canada. Refer to The Land Mobile Application and Evaluation Process for an explanation.