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Types of Land Mobile Applications

On the covering letter, you must indicate the type of system you are applying for. This is an important choice, as it helps the evaluating officer better understand your system, especially for modifications or third-party applications where your application may not include information on each station in the system.

When you are ready to submit your system, your choice is used to confirm that your application contains the necessary information for the type of system you selected (if not a third-party application). The four types are:

Land Station(s) Communicating with Mobile Station(s)

This refers to any type of system where one or more fixed stations are in communication with one or more mobile stations. This is perhaps the most common type of system, and encompasses many different possible configurations. Create fixed and mobile station records for each station in the system that requires a licence. You will need to specify at least one fixed or mobile station before you can submit your application.

Land Station(s), Point-to-Point

This represents a system where two fixed stations are in communication with one another. Create fixed station records for each station in the system that requires a licence. This type of system does not include mobile stations. You will need to specify at least one fixed station before you can submit your application.

Land Station(s), Point-to-Multipoint

This represents a system where one fixed station is in communication with two or more other fixed stations. Create fixed station records for each station in the system that requires a licence. This type of system does not include mobile stations. You will need to specify at least one fixed station before you can submit your application.

Mobile-to-Mobile System

A mobile-to-mobile system is where mobile stations are in communication with one another. Create mobile station records for each class of station in the system that requires a licence. This type of system does not include fixed stations. You will need to specify at least one mobile station before you can submit your application.