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Creating a new mobile station

A mobile station is a radio station intended to be used while in motion and during temporary stops. A radio in a vehicle or a hand-held radio are both common examples of mobile stations.

Your mobile station record consists of the station itself and any frequencies you will use to transmit and receive on that station.

Creating a mobile station

To create a mobile station:

  1. On the Application Summary, click Create Mobile Station. The input form for your new station appears. For a detailed explanation of the form and each field, refer to Create/Modify Mobile Station.
  2. Complete the following mandatory fields:
    - Area of Operation
    - Number of Mobile Stations
  3. If your station is used to communicate with other mobile stations, you must also complete the mobile-to-mobile information:
    - Geographical Coordinates Format
    - Latitude of the Centre of Operations
    - Longitude of the Centre of Operations
    - Radius of Operation
  4. Click the Save button. You are presented with a view of the information you have just entered. The system has updated the following fields automatically:
    - Last Edited

You should proceed with creating a frequency for this station below.

Creating a frequency on a mobile station

Each new mobile station must have at least one frequency record. To create a frequency:

  1. On the Mobile Station page, click Create Mobile Station Frequency. The input form for your new frequency appears. For a detailed explanation of the form and each field, refer to Create/Edit Mobile Station Frequency.
  2. The first step for any frequency is to select a channel. Next to the Channel field, click Select to open a new window where you can select one of your existing channels or create a new channel. The type of channel you select will affect which of the remaining fields must be completed.
  3. In the next fields, you must specify information about your radio equipment and its technical specifications. Use the Search link to search and retrieve this information from our Radio Equipment List database. Confirm that the information is correct before proceeding.
  4. Complete the remainder of the form as it applies to your system. At a minimum, you must provide:
    - Radio Model Number
    - Radio Manufacturer
    - Certification Number
    - First Bandwidth
    - First Class of Emission
    - RF Output Power (if transmitting)
  5. When you have completed the form, click the Save button. You are presented with a view of the information you have just entered. The system has updated the following fields automatically:
    - Last Edited
    - a number of fields that display information about the selected channel

If you have additional frequencies to create, return to the Fixed Station page to create another frequency. When the station includes all components, you can return to the Application Summary to create another station or verify and submit your application.