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Print an application/invoice

Applications, whether in-progress or completed, can be printed in two ways:

  1. You can use your browser's Print command to print the page as you see it on the screen, or
  2. You can view and print a dynamically generated Adobe Acrobat .PDF version of certain application components.

Portable Document Format (.PDF) files use the application information you enter to create a "virtual form": a version of your application that, when printed, resembles a conventional paper-based application form.

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view PDF files.

To create and print the .PDF version of an application:

  1. Navigate to the Land Mobile Application List or Microwave Application List.
  2. Access the desired application.
  3. At the top of the Letter of Intent Summary, click the link Download (PDF Format) to download a .PDF version of the letter of intent.
  4. In the Station Summary area, click on the Download (PDF Format) icon in the Shortcuts column to download the .PDF version of that station.

Note: To view a PDF file in Internet Explorer, you must download the file to your computer and open the downloaded file. To download the file, right-click the link and choose Save Target As from the pop-up menu to save the file. Then, use Adobe Acrobat Reader to manually open the file.