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Covering Letter

As the uppermost application component, the covering letter is the starting point of any application. The covering letter provides Industry Canada with general information about your system and your requirements.

For third-party applications, the covering letter can be submitted alone, without further technical information.


Delete Application
Use this link to delete your application and all components. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. If you confirm, the covering letter, all stations and frequencies, and other related records are permanently deleted.
Verify and Submit Application
Use this link to validate and submit your application for processing by Industry Canada. The results of the validation are displayed on the Application Validation Page. (This link appears on the covering letter only for an Affiliated-party applications.)
Download (PDF Format)
Use this link to download an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document containing all information from each component in your application. (Users of Internet Explorer may need to right-click the link and download the PDF file.)