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Mobile Stations

Lists mobile stations in the current application (if any).

Certain types of applications (point-to-point, point-to-multipoint) should not have mobile stations.


Create Mobile Station
Use this link to create a mobile station record in your application. The Create Mobile Station page appears, where you specify whether you are creating a new station or modifying an authorized station.


Area of Operation
Geographical name (city or town and province) of station's area of operation. Use this link to view the complete mobile station record on the Mobile Station page.
Number of Mobile Stations
Number of equivalent mobile stations represented by this record. Each individual station must share identical characteristics.
Application Type
Indicates if the current record represents new information or modifications to Industry Canada's information about your existing systems. (Note that you cannot update this selection once you save the record.)
Licence Number
Licence number of a single licence for an authorized station.
Shortcuts are small icons that let you jump directly to specific actions for a record. Put the mouse cursor over the shortcut to see its function.