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Affiliated-party Applications

A Affiliated-party application is required when you will be using a frequency that has been authorized to another licence holder, often for the purposes of communicating with that other licensee.

Simplified Applications for Mobile Systems

A taxi driver may need to apply to licence the radio in their cab (a mobile station) that they will use to communicate with the taxi company's dispatcher. The dispatcher has been licensed by Industry Canada to use specific frequencies within the range of that station.

In this case, the applicant does not have to complete a full licence application and include detailed technical information. Instead, the applicant (the taxi driver) must specify additional information on the covering letter to identify the Affiliated-party (the dispatcher) and their own requirements. The applicant may then submit the covering letter alone for processing by Industry Canada.

Industry Canada will confirm that the Affiliated-party is authorised in the specified area, and that the Affiliated-party has given permission to the applicant to share their authorized frequency. The applicant may then be issued a licence.

Applications for Fixed and Mobile Systems

Other applicants may require a larger system with multiple frequencies being used by their fixed and mobile stations. However, one or more of the requested frequencies within their area of operation has already been authorized to another licence holder.

This applicant must complete the Affiliated-party section of the covering letter to inform Industry Canada that they are requesting a Affiliated-party frequency. If the system requires more than one such frequency, the applicant can provide additional information (of the type requested for a Affiliated-party) in the covering letter's Special Requirements section. The applicant then proceeds with the entry of all technical information related to their stations and frequencies.