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Completing an Affiliated-party application

Some applicants are simply applying for the right to use a frequency already authorised to an Affiliated-party. For example, a taxi driver may need his own licence for the radio in his cab that he uses to communicate with the dispatcher who already holds a licence. For that type of system, you must enter additional information on the covering letter, but you do not have to provide any further technical information as described below. For more information, please refer to an Affiliated-party Applications.

To complete an Affiliated-party application:

  1. Create your covering letter using the steps detailed in Creating a new application.
  2. When asked, indicate that the application is being made to a frequency authorized to an Affiliated-party.
  3. Complete all the remaining Affiliated-party fields to the best of your knowledge if they apply to your situation. (If you know the Affiliated-Party's Account Number, this will greatly expedite the application process.)
  4. If you are using the frequency for one or more mobile stations, be sure to enter the Number of Mobile Stations.
  5. Confirm that you have entered values in the mandatory fields:
    - Station Location or Area of Operation
    - Affiliated-Party Licensee Name
  6. Use the Save button to save your application. You are presented with a view of the information you have just entered.
  7. For certain Affiliated-party applications, we do not require additional technical information. You can verify and submit the application using the link at the top of the covering letter.

If your application is for a more complex system, you must enter and submit technical information about your system. Go to the Application Summary and proceed with creating a channel plan.