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Covering Letter Summary

Shows a summary of the letter of intent associated with the current microwave application, and provides access to view or edit the letter of intent. You can also download the letter of intent in PDF format.


Edit Letter of Intent
Click to go to the Edit Covering Letter page to edit the information on the letter of intent. Note that this function is only available for applications that have not been submitted.
Download (PDF Format)
Click to view or download the covering letter in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.


Your Reference Number
A reference number for the application as selected by the applicant for internal tracking purposes, and entered on the Covering Letter.
The title of the project for which the application is being made. Click to display the Covering Letter.
Licensee Name
Name of the licensee as it appears on the licence (if an individual, family name last).
Company Code
Numeric identifier of the licencee or account.
Processing Office
The Industry Canada office responsible for processing the application.
Evaluating Officer
This field remains blank until you submit your application. After your application has been received by Industry Canada, this field contains the name of the evaluating officer that has been assigned to process your application. Use the link to send an e-mail to this officer at Industry Canada regarding your application. The subject line of your message is automatically set to our internal reference number for your application.
Creation Date
The date on which the entry was originally created.
Application Status Date
Date that the status of the application was last changed.
The status of the on-line application.