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Technical Attestation Details
Indicate the status of studies and consultation, and conformity to regulations and standards. You must also provide the name of the person providing technical certification and the name of the person authorizing submission of the application.
- Conform to Department policies and standards
- Indicates if the station conforms to all applicable Department policies and standards. You must select a "yes" or "no" answer for this question. If you answer "No", provide an explanation in the field immediately below the questions.
- Electromagnetic compatibility study
- Indicates if an electromagnetic compatibility study has been completed. You must select a "yes" or "no" answer for this question. If you answer "No", provide an explanation in the field immediately below the questions.
- Conforms to ITU Radio Regulations
- Indicates if the station conforms to all applicable policies and standards defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). You must select a "Yes", "No", or "N/A" answer for this question. If you answer "No", provide an explanation in the field immediately below the questions.
- Domestic coordination
- Indicates if domestic coordination has been completed. You must select a "Yes", "No", or "N/A" answer for this question. If you answer "No", provide an explanation in the field immediately below the questions.
- Licences coordinated with
- Any coordination action taken in support of the application, including both domestic and international coordination. Note that the applicant is responsible to perform all domestic coordination, and the Department is responsible to perform all international coordination. With respect to international coordination, use this field to advise the Department of any preliminary contact you may have made. If no coordination was necessary, enter "None" in this field. (A value must be entered for the attestation to be valid.) A valid entry is up to 512 characters in length.
- Explain any negative answers
- Explains any negative answers to the previous attestation questions. If the application is being submitted prior to the completion of the studies, answer "No" to the appropriate questions, and indicate in this field that the studies are being conducted, and the application will be resubmitted once the studies are complete. You might take this course to reserve a specific frequency before completing all studies and consultation. A valid entry is up to 512 characters in length.
- Name of person certifying this application
- The name of the person certifying the completeness and accuracy of both the application and the associated studies and consultations. This person must be licensed by a provincial association or an order of engineers, and this information provided in the next fields. A valid entry is up to 70 characters in length.
- Name of association/order
- The name of the licensing association or order of engineers through which the named certifying authority is licensed. A valid entry is up to 70 characters in length.
- Member number
- The certifying authority's member number in the licensing association or order of engineers. A valid entry is up to 20 characters in length.
- Name of person authorizing submission
- The name of the person authorizing the submission of the Letter of Intent or application. A valid entry is up to 70 characters in length.
- Save
- Click to save the attestation. You will be prompted if any required information is missing or incomplete.
- Cancel
- Click to discard the information you have entered on the form without saving it.
- Date modified: