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Data Entry

This simplified data entry form has been provided to help you create a licence application for a simple, single-channel, radio system. To use this form, your system must meet the following conditions:

  • It must be a new fixed station communicating with mobiles, and may include mobile stations that communicate with the fixed station.
  • It must be a single-channel system.
  • It must not use any ancillary filter devices (i.e. cavity filters, duplexers, multicouplers, etc.).

If your system does not meet these conditions, please use the full form.

Reference Information

This section is used to identify you application. At the top, please enter a title for this application as Your Reference Number. This title will help you identify your application as your application is being processed. The company code is the account number selected from the previous page. If you have an account in more than one Industry Canada office, you can choose an office from the drop-down list.

Person to Contact Regarding this Application

Please enter the name, phone number, and e-mail address of the person who can answer questions about this application. (This may not be the same person as named as a contact for the account.)

As your licence application is processed, we will send automated e-mail messages to this address to inform you of the application status. To receive these messages at more than one address, enter the addresses separated by a comma. If you do not wish to receive these messages, leave this field blank.

After your application is received by the Department, the first page will have e-mail hyperlinks for both your District Office and the Spectrum Management Officer assigned to your application.

Additional Information/Special Requirements

This section provides a place to enter any additional information or special requests regarding your application. If you have any special instructions, restrictions, questions, or additional information, please enter that information here.

System Information

In this section, provide background information about your system, how it will be used, and when you would like to put it into service.

Indicate if you require a short term licence. If you require more than one 30-day term (up to three consecutive licences are allowed), indicate this in the Special Requirements area. As well, you can request Interim Authority if you need to put the system into operation using a temporary frequency before a formal licence is issued.

Station Location

In this section, indicate as accurately as possible where the station will be located. The first field (Site Name) will be used to identify your licence, and should contain all information required to accurately identify the location of the station. This information may include an urban street address, a rural legal land description, or a location name as well as the city and province. Space is limited, so you may have to abbreviate parts of the entry. Some example entries are provided. The next field may be used to provide additional address information that could not fit in the first field, if necessary.

If known, enter your Geographic Coordinates and Site Elevation (in metres). As noted on the form, Geographic Coordinates are optional; this information is the best way to precisely identify the location of your antenna structure. The processing of your application may be delayed if accurate geographic coordinates are not provided because the coordinates must be determined and verified by the Department before a licence can be issued.

The elevation is also optional, but should be provided if known. If the elevation is not provided, it will be determined based on your geographic coordinates or station location.

Antenna Strucutre

Enter information about the structure where your antenna equipment is attached. You need to provide the height of the entire structure (tower or building) in metres. Indicate whether this is a new structure built for your system (new) or an existing structure on which you are attaching new equipment (modified), and indicate whether there are any broadcast antennas in the area.

Frequency Information

This form is used to apply for a fixed station that is in communication with mobile stations. When you include the mobile stations on the form, the frequencies you selected will be assigned to the fixed and the mobile stations.

First, select the type of frequency: either Simplex (where the two frequencies are identical) or Two-frequency simplex (where the two frequencies are different).

Next, specify the frequencies you require. If you know the specific frequency you would like to use, enter it (in MHz) in the upper field. If you would like Industry Canada to select and assign a frequency, use the drop-down list to select a frequency band supported by your equipment. (Note that you cannot enter a value and select a band at the same time.)

For two-frequency simplex systems, your fixed station may communicate with mobile stations via repeater station. Indicate whether a repeater station is being used. If a repeater is used, the fixed and mobile stations will be assigned identical frequency pairs automatically. You must also specify the call sign of the repeater station. If a repeater is not used, the mobile station will be assigned the frequency pair opposite to the pair assigned to the fixed station.

Bandwidth and Class of Emission

The bandwidth and class of emission describe the properties and characteristics of your signal. You will need to provide the necessary Bandwidth (in kHz) and three-character Class of Emission code that describes your radio emission.

For your convenience, you can select from the common bandwidth and class of emission values on the drop-down lists. To enter a value manually, first select “Other” from the drop-down list before entering a value.

Transmitter Details

Use this section to describe the radio transmission equipment being used and to specify the output power (in Watts). To identify your equipment, you must provided at a minimum both the Manufacturer and Model Number, or the Industry Canada Certification Number.

The output power that you enter here will be combined with the antenna gain and line loss entered on the form to calculate and display your effective radiated power (ERP).

Antenna Details

Use this section to describe the antenna equipment being used, as well as its height and position on the antenna structure. Note that the height of the antenna should be measured to the centre of the antenna element, not to the top or bottom.


Specify the total line and connector loss in your system. Click “Calculate” to use the Line Loss Calculator to help determine the total losses. (Values entered in the Line Loss Calculator are not saved.)

Calculated ERP

This section shows the effective radiated power (ERP) that has been calculated based on your transmitter output power, antenna gain, and line loss as entered on the form. You can use this calculated value to confirm that the other values were entered correctly.

Associated Mobile Stations Details

This form should be used to apply for a licence for a fixed station that is in communication with mobile stations. If you also need to apply for licences for these mobile stations, you can enter the number of stations in either of these fields (depending on the power to be authorized). The application to be submitted will include these new mobile stations. If you do not apply for mobile station licences at this time, your application will be for the fixed station only.

If you are also applying for mobile station licences, describe where they will be used in the Mobile Area of Operation.

Preliminary Environmental Information Attestation

This section must be completed to indicate the potential impact of a new or modified antenna structure on its surroundings. You are required to select a “Yes” or “No” answer to each question (a default answer is not provided).

Municipal/Land Use Consultation Attestation

In this section, select an answer from the drop-down list to indicate whether land-use authorities have been consulted regarding the new or modified antenna structure, and the result of such consultations. If applicable, enter the date that the consultation was or will be concluded.


The information entered on the form will be saved into our standard database of land mobile applications, and subsequently submitted to Industry Canada for processing. The three buttons at the bottom of the form are:
Submit Application
Click this button to save your data into our standard licence application database, them immediately submit the application to Industry Canada for processing.
Save for Editing
Click this button to save your data into our standard licence application database. You can then use our standard on-line forms to review and edit your application before it is submitted to Industry Canada for processing.
Clear Form
Click this button to clear all fields in the form and reset them to their default values. Your information is not saved and cannot be recovered.