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Authorized Frequency Details

Shows detailed information for the mobile station frequency.

If this is the correct record, use the button at the bottom of the page to copy the information back to the form in the main window.

Note: A matching channel from your channel plan will be selected automatically. If one cannot be found, use the channel Select link to open the list of channels. Then, create a new channel and the form's values will default to those in this frequency record.


Record ID.
Unique number assigned to each individual frequency record at the time of the original data entry in our database. Applies to modified frequencies only (blank for new frequencies).
Licence Number
Licence number of a single licence for an authorized station.
The letter that was assigned to your channel when it was created, e.g., "A". (For a duplex channel, a read-only copy of the main channel with the Tx and Rx values reversed is created by the system, and identified with an asterisk, e.g., "A*".)
Tx Frequency (MHz)
Assigned transmission frequency.
Rx Frequency (MHz)
Assigned reception frequency.
First Bandwidth (kHz)
Necessary bandwidth of the first emission (in kHz). This data item is coupled with the First Class of Emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception bandwidth. For all other records, represents the transmission bandwidth.
Second Bandwidth (kHz)
Necessary bandwidth of the second emission (in kHz). This data item is coupled with the Second Class of Emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception bandwidth. For all other records, represents the transmission bandwidth.
First Class of Emission
ITU designation for the first class of emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception class of emission. For all other records, represents the transmission class of emission.
Second Class of Emission
ITU designation for the second class of emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception class of emission. For all other records, represents the transmission class of emission. Default values derived from REL
RF Output Power (W)
Power of the mobile stations on this frequency, in Watts.
Is this station part of a mobile-to-mobile system?
Indicates if this frequency is used to communicate exclusively with other mobile stations.


Modify This Authorized Frequency
Use this button to copy the data back to the main window for modification. The window will close.