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Technical Attestation Details

Shows the status of studies and consultation, and conformity to regulations and standards. The name of the person providing technical certification is also provided.


Edit Attestation
Click to go to the Edit Attestation page to edit the attestation information. Note that this function is only available for applications that have not been submitted.


Conform to Department policies and standards
Indicates if the station conforms to all applicable Department policies and standards.
Electromagnetic compatibility study
Indicates if an electromagnetic compatibility study has been completed.
Conforms to ITU Radio Regulations
Indicates if the station conforms to all applicable policies and standards defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
Domestic coordination
Indicates if domestic coordination has been completed.
Licences coordinated with
Any coordination action taken in support of the application, including both domestic and international coordination. Note that the applicant is responsible to perform all domestic coordination, and the Department is responsible to perform all international coordination.
Explain any negative answers
Explains any negative answers to the previous attestation questions.
Name of person certifying this application
The name of the person certifying the completeness and accuracy of both the application and the associated studies and consultations.
Name of association/order
The name of the licensing association or order of engineers through which the named certifying authority is licensed.
Member number
The certifying authority's member number in the licensing association or order of engineers.