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How to obtain an account

Clients who want to hold radio authorizations and do business with the Department must obtain an account. In most cases, you will need to contact a local District Office to obtain a new account. Every account is issued an account number which is then used to track your license applications, authorizations, invoices, payments, and other spectrum management services request from Industry Canada.

In some cases, you can get started right away:

  • You can now request a new account for your personal use on our web site. Click the Request New Account and Web Profile link on the Main Menu. You will be given a web profile and temporary account number.
  • If you already have an account, and have been issued an invoice for that account, you can use your invoice information to set up a web profile to access Spectrum Direct's on-line services.
  • If you are submitting an application on behalf of a client, and the client requires a new account, please indicate this using the Special Requirements section of the licence application and provide the client's information in that field.

If you have any questions about obtaining an account or web profile, contact your local District Office or sd@ic.gc.ca.