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Enter the information provided by the licensee or vessel owner.


Nine digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity beginning with 00316.
Ship Station Group Name
Name as adopted by the group of vessels.
Ship Station Group Contact Name
Name of the individual representing the group of vessels with respect to radio communication matters.
Ship Station Group Contact Information
Address, telephone and fax number of the Ship Station Group Contact individual.
Ship Station Group Contact Vessel Name
Name of the vessel operated by the Ship Station Group Contact individual.
Ship Station Group Contact Vessel MMSI
Maritime Mobile Service Identity of the vessel operated by the Ship Station Group Contact individual.
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Name and Address
Name and address of an individual ashore in case of emergency involving a vessel within the group.
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Telephone Number
Telephone number of an individual ashore in case of emergency involving a vessel within the group (ie. 12503553112).
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Fax Number
Fax number of an individual ashore in case of emergency involving a vessel within the group (ie. 12503554225).