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View the MMSI information about to be reactivated.


Nine digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity beginning with 00316.
Licensee Name
Name of the radio licence holder.
Disclose Information
Yes = available to the general public and included in the ITU Report Download.
No = Not available to the general public and not included in the ITU Report Download.
Station Location
Name of the geographical location of the radio station.
Station latitude in degrees (d), minutes (m) and seconds (s). Format: 'ddmmss'.
Station longitude, in degrees (d), minutes (m) and seconds (s). Format: '(d)ddmmss'.
Company Code
Nine digit company code as issued by IC.
Licence Number
Seven digit licence number as issued by IC.
Call Sign
Radio call sign as issued by Industry Canada.


Reactivate MMSI
Click on the Reactivate MMSI button to reactivate the record.