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Station Data

Shows the details of a Ship Station included in the search results.


Nine digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity beginning with 00316.
Disclose Information
Yes = available to the general public and included in the ITU Report Download.
No = Not available to the general public and not included in the ITU Report Download.
Vessel Name
Name of the vessel.
Ex Vessel Name
Previous vessel name (in case of a modification to the vessel name).
Vessel Owner Name
Name of an individual, individuals or company.
General Classification
ITU symbol designating the class of ship (Annex E refers).
Individual Classification 1
ITU symbol designating the class of ship (Annex E refers).
Individual Classification 2
ITU symbol designating the class of ship (Annex E refers).
Ship Station Group MMSI
Nine digit MMSI assigned to a group of vessels beginning with 0316.
Gross Tonnage
Vessel's internal capacity.
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Name and Address
Name and address of an individual ashore in case of emergency involving a vessel within the group.
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Telephone Number
Telephone number of an individual ashore in case of emergency involving a vessel within the group (ie. 12503553112).
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Fax Number
Fax number of an individual ashore in case of emergency involving a vessel within the group (ie. 12503554225).
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Telephone Number
Telephone number of an individual ashore in case of emergency (ie. 12503553112).
Emergency Contact Person Ashore Fax Number
Fax number of an individual ashore in case of emergency (ie. 12503554225).
Alternate 24-hour Emergency Telephone Number
Other telephone number in case of emergency and accessible at any time (ie. 12503553113).
Capacity for Persons on Board
Maximum number of persons on board.
Radio Installation Information
Radio equipment on board.
Call Sign
Radio call sign as issued by Industry Canada.
Ex Radio Call Sign
Previous vessel radio call sign (in case of a modification to the radio call sign).
Selective Call Number 1
Five digit selective call number as assigned by Industry Canada.
Selective Call Number 2
Five digit selective call number as assigned by Industry Canada.
Number of Life Boats
Number of life boats fitted or not with radio apparatus.
Frequency(ies) for EPIRB 1
Operating frequency(ies) of a first EPIRB on board.
Frequency(ies) for EPIRB 2
Operating frequency(ies) of a second EPIRB on board.
Frequency(ies) for EPIRB 3
Operating frequency(ies) of a third EPIRB on board.
Nature of Service 1
ITU symbol indicating the classification as regards the type of international correspondence service maintained by the station (Annex E refers).
Nature of Service 2
ITU symbol indicating the classification as regards the type of international correspondence service maintained by the station (Annex E refers).
Services Available
ITU symbol indicating the specific service provided by a station open to public correspondence in the maritime mobile service (Annex E refers).
Service Hours
ITU symbol indicating the hours of service (Annex E refers).
Telegraphy Frequency Bands
ITU symbol indicating the frequency bands used for radiotelegraphy transmissions (Annex E refers).
Telephony Frequency Bands
ITU symbol indicating the frequency bands used for radiotelephony transmissions (Annex E refers).
Accounting Authority (AAIC)
Accounting Authority Identification Code of the entity charged with the accounting for the vessel in respect to the maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite services (Annex E refers).
AAIC Used for Inmarsat
If a separate entity from the above, the Accounting Authority Identification Code of the entity charged with the accounting for the vessel in respect to the maritime mobile-satellite service only (Annex E refers).
EPIRB Identification Code
The fifteen hexadecimal character string referred to as the beacon 15 Hex ID beginning with A78 (ie. A78D007D6C42401). The beacon hexadecimal identification code is hard programmed into the EPIRB at the factory. This is the code that is of most interest to Search and Rescue (SAR) authorities.
Vessel Identification Number
The six digit Offical Number as issued by Transport Canada or the seven digit IMO Number as issued by the International Maritime Organization.