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Modifications to Authorized Stations and Frequencies

Perhaps you have an existing radiocommunication licence, but need to provide Industry Canada with information about proposed changes to your system. Such modifications are easily done using the application forms.

The application provides you with links to create stations and frequency records. These records may represent your new stations and frequencies, or changes you are making to your authorized stations and frequencies.

Modifying Stations

When you create a station record, the first question on the form asks you to indicate whether you are creating a new station that requires a new licence, or whether you would like to inform Industry Canada about modifications to an existing station that has been authorized, licensed, and billed previously.

When you select a modification, a search window opens automatically. Use this window to find and retrieve the information about that station in our Assignment and Licensing System (ALS) database. You will be able to find any station licensed through the processing office and company code indicated on the covering letter, which in turn are stored in your Web Profile.

When you have found the station, the search window will close and the data will be copied to the main window for editing. For modifications, we only need to know your changes to the station, so most fields are optional.

If you have selected the wrong station, you can select modification again and use the search window to find and modify a different station. Note that once you have saved your station, the search window is no longer available.

Modifying Frequencies

As with stations, the first question on the form asks you to indicate whether you wish to create a new frequency or modify an authorized frequency. For frequency modifications, we do not provide a search form. The frequencies for the modified station are retrieved and listed automatically when you select a modification.

You can only retrieve and modify frequencies for modified stations. If you are changing information only about a frequency (e.g., transmission power), you must retrieve the associated station even if you are not updating the station's information. After you have retrieved and saved the station, you will be able to retrieve its frequency and make your changes.

Modifying Filters

For fixed stations, we store information about the filtering devices you use on each frequency. To simplify the application process, we do not provide a mechanism to retrieve and modify your filter records.

Instead, when you edit a frequency, we provide you with the number of Tx and Rx filters in our records and the total losses (which are used in your effective radiated power calculations). If the number of filters seems incorrect, note that Tx/Rx filters are counted twice, and we sometimes divide complex filtering devices into two or more records so that we can indicate all their functions in our database.

Once this information has been retrieved and calculated, we ask if you are making any filter changes as part of your modifications. If you answer "No", we will keep your existing filter records (if any). If you answer "Yes", we will remove all of your existing filter records from our database. Consider the following situations:

  • If you are keeping all existing filters and adding new filters, simply answer "Yes" to keep existing filters, then create any new filters. Your filter losses are calculated as the total of existing filters plus new filters.
  • If you are replacing all existing filters with new filters, simply answer "No" to remove existing filters, then create any new filters. Your filter losses are calculated as the total of your new filters only.
  • If you are removing or replacing some of your existing filters, and adding new filters, you must answer "No". All existing filter records are removed. Then, recreate the existing filters that you will be keeping and create any new filters. Your filter losses are calculated as the total of your new filters.