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Using the Alternate Forms

Using the Alternate Forms

The Land Mobile Alternate Forms are simplified, one-page data entry forms for typical types of radiocommunication systems. The type of system that can be applied for is described at the top of the page. If your proposed system does not meet these limitations, you can use the more detailed full form that accommodates any type or size of radio system. You may also use the Alternate Forms as a starting point when creating a larger application in our full form.

Information that must always be provided is marked with an asterisk (*). Some fields are required depending on the type of system; these are not marked with an asterisk (*) but you will be prompted to complete them before you save or submit the form. Please complete as much information as you can to prevent delays in the processing of your application.

As you fill in the form, error checking will ensure that the values you enter are within the range accepted by Industry Canada. When the form is saved or submitted, a final error check will confirm that all mandatory information and information required for your specific system has been provided and is correct.

When the form is complete, you have two options. The “Submit Application” button will save your application and prepare it for submission to Industry Canada immediately. Use this button when your application is complete. A second button, “Save for Editing”, will copy the information into our full form where it can be edited or appended. Use this button if you would like to use our alternate forms as a starting point when creating a larger application for a more complex radiocommunication system.

When your application is submitted, the status is updated you can not longer make changes to your data. You data is stored in our database awaiting pick up by staff in our District Office. When your application data has been picked up, the status changes to “Under Study” and the application is deemed to have been received.