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Channel Details

Edit the information for a selected channel.

Frequency identifiers are provided on this form to help you reuse frequencies from other channels. Note that you cannot edit the value or range associated with the frequency identifier.


The letter that was assigned to your channel when it was created, e.g., "A". (For a duplex channel, a read-only copy of the main channel with the Tx and Rx values reversed is created by the system, and identified with an asterisk, e.g., "A*".) The next channel letter in sequence is selected automatically when you create a channel.
A description of the purpose of the channel and its proposed use.
Type of channel. You can set this value only when you create the channel. It determines which fields can be edited. Can be:
  • Tx Only: You will transmit but not receive on the frequency specified.
  • Rx Only: You will receive but not transmit on the frequency specified.
  • Duplex: You will receive and transmit on two different frequencies. (A second "prime" channel will be automatically created with the frequency values reversed.)
  • Simplex: You will receive and transmit on the same frequency.
Tx Frequency Identifier
Identifier for the transmission (Tx) frequency to be employed on this channel. Use the identifier in other channels to indicate that the same frequency is used. The first time that you use a specific frequency, select "New". A new identifier in sequence is generated automatically and associated with the frequency or range that you entered. Select that identifier to use the same frequency on another channel.

Note: You cannot choose your own identifiers, or edit the values associated with the identifier. To edit the Tx frequency values, either select the values from a different identifier or create a new identifier with new frequency values.

Rx Frequency Identifier
Identifier for the reception (Rx) frequency to be employed on this channel. Use the identifier in other channels to indicate that the same frequency is used. This value is set automatically for simplex channels. For duplex channels, you must not select the same identifier as the Tx frequency.
Requested Tx Frequency (MHz)
Desired transmission frequency on this channel. You can enter a value when creating a new frequency identifier, or select an existing identifier to set this value. Leave this field blank and specify a range to have Industry Canada select and assign a frequency. Must be between 0.100000 and 960.000000.
Requested Rx Frequency (MHz)
Desired reception frequency on this channel. You can enter a value when creating a new frequency identifier, or select an existing identifier to set this value. Leave this field blank and specify a range to have Industry Canada select and assign a frequency. Must be between 0.100000 and 960.000000.
Range of Requested Tx Frequency (Lower)
If you would like Industry Canada to select and assign a transmission frequency, the lower value of a range within which you would like the frequency selected. The range should accommodate the limitations of your equipment or any special requirements. Must be between 0.100000 and 960.000000.
Range of Requested Tx Frequency (Upper)
Upper limit of an assigned Tx frequency. Must be between 0.100000 and 960.000000, and greater than the lower limit.
Range of Requested Rx Frequency (Lower)
If you would like Industry Canada to select and assign a reception frequency, the lower value of a range within which you would like the frequency selected. The range should accommodate the limitations of your equipment or any special requirements. Must be between 0.100000 and 960.000000.
Range of Requested Rx Frequency (Upper)
Upper limit of an assigned Rx frequency. Must be between 0.100000 and 960.000000, and greater than the lower limit.


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