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What is an ALS account?

Clients who want to hold radio authorizations and do business with the Department must obtain an account. In most cases, you will need to contact a local District Office to obtain a new ALS account. An ALS account is defined by a combination of Departmental District Office and Company Code.

For instance, Tony's Telecommunications may by assigned Company Code ToTel, and may have branch offices in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. The ToTel representative will contact the Departmental District Offices in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, and establish an ALS account in each. The accounts are unique: ToTel/Toronto, ToTel/Ottawa, and ToTel/Montreal.

An organization can also have more than one Company Code if the company has licenced different services or more than one office served by the same district office. For example, ABC Communications has three company codes: one each for cellular, land mobile, and microwave services. As another example, Cindy's Cellular has one office in Toronto and another one in Markham. Since both areas are served by the Department's Toronto District Office, the organization's principal Company Code (e.g., CinCell) will not suffice to differentiate between the accounts. Therefore, a second Company Code (e.g., CinCell2) would be assigned, and the accounts would be unique: CinCell/Toronto, and CinCell2/Toronto.

ALS accounts are grouped into Web profiles for use on the Spectrum Direct site.