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Select Fields

Optionally, select fields to display on the results page. If no fields are chosen, Tx Frequency, Rx Frequency, Licensee Name, and Station Location will be selected automatically.


Frequency Information

Necessary Bandwidth-1 (kHz)
Necessary bandwidth of the emission (in kHz). This data item is coupled with Class of Emission -1.
Class of Emission-1
ITU designation for the first class of emission. This entry is coupled with Bandwidth - 1 (kHz).
ITU Class of Station-1
Class of station for the frequency being described. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file itu_cls.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
ITU Class of Station-2
Class of station for the frequency being described. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file itu_cls.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Fee Table Code 1
The primary code that identifies the fees to be charged for a specific frequency. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Fee Table Code 2
The secondary code that identifies the fees to be charged for a specific frequency. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Radio Model Code
The class of radio model used for transmission. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the link on the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files page.
Conformity to Frequency Plan
Indicates that the assignment conforms to the applicable national or regional allocation or sub-allocation plans or is non-standard. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file conforms.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Frequency Status
Processing status of the frequency assignment, assigned by the system. Possible statuses are:
  • Pending: Not yet authorized.
  • Authorized individually: The frequency application has been authorized individually, but the system with which it is associated has not yet been authorized in total.
  • To be billed, authorized: The frequency application has been authorized, but the billing has not been processed yet.
  • Future date authorized: The frequency application has been authorized, and the billing has been processed. However, since the effective date is more than two months in the future, the application is in a bring forward state for billing purposes until it is appropriate to issue an invoice.
  • Invoiced: The frequency application has been authorized, and the billing has been processed. The invoice has yet to be paid.
  • Licence held, authorized/paid: The frequency application has been authorized, and the invoice has been paid. However, the licence itself has not been printed as it is being held awaiting coordination.
  • Active: The frequency application has been authorized, billed, paid, and issued.
  • Under reconsideration: This status is associated with an active frequency assignment for which an amendment has been submitted. It is still active, until the amendment is approved, at which time the amended frequency assignment will override this existing frequency assignment.
  • Transferred: The frequency assignment has been transferred.
  • Cancelled: The frequency assignment has been cancelled.

This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.

Frequency Record ID
Number assigned to each individual frequency record at the time of the original data entry.

Tx Information

Tx Frequency (MHz)
Assigned transmit frequency or lower frequency for a band in Mhz.
Tx Antenna Pattern Code
The antenna radiation pattern used. Options are:
  • Omni directional
  • Uni-directional
  • Bi-directional
  • Other types

This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the links on the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files page.

Tx Channel Capacity Code
Licensed number of equivalent voice channels used for fee calculations. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file chnl_cap.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Tx Antenna Gain (dBi > 960 MHz, dBd < 960 MHz)
The gain of the transmitting antenna (in dB) relative to a half wave dipole (dBd). In case of a directional antenna, the gain is in the direction of maximum radiation. For frequencies above 890 MHz, the antenna gain is expressed relative to an isotropic radiator (dBi).
Tx Total Losses (dB)
The total signal losses, in dB, between the antenna and the radio's antenna coupling or antenna branching unit.
Tx Antenna Polarization Code
The transmission antenna's polarization. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file ant_pol.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Tx Spectrum Signature Code
Spectrum signature code of the microwave equipment determined by the type of modulation and channel capacity. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the link on the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files page.
Tx Antenna Azimuth (deg)
Azimuth (in degrees from True North) of the transmitting antenna's direction of maximum radiation (lobe). For an omnidirectional radiation pattern, enter 0 degrees. To indicate an azimuth pointing true north, enter 360.0 degrees. For a bi-directional radiation pattern (two main lobes separated from each other by 180 degrees), enter the azimuth of one of the two lobes. It should be noted that the azimuth of the antenna lobe might not correspond to the physical azimuth of the antenna, especially in the case of bi-directional antennas.
Tx Power (dBW)
The RF Output Power is defined as the transmitter power in WATTS, that is present at output of the radio's antenna coupling or antenna branching unit. Usually, this is the value indicated in the equipment manufacturer's specification sheet. If the transmitter power is adjustable, indicate the maximum adjusted value in Watts. If the transmitter is capable of Automatic Power Control (APC), indicate the maximum APC value in Watts.
Tx Antenna Vertical Elevation Angle (deg)
The transmission antenna's vertical elevation angle (beam tilt) with reference to horizontal ground in degrees.
Tx Effective Radiated Power (ERP) (dBW)
A calculated field showing the effective radiated power at the output of the antenna, in dBW.
Tx Antenna Height Above Ground Level (m)
Height of the antenna elements above ground level, in meters.
Tx Antenna Beamwidth (deg)
The angle at which the power is reduced by 3 dB from the antenna main beam (half power beamwidth).
Tx Antenna Model Code
The antenna model employed for the transmitter. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.

Rx Information

Rx Frequency (MHz)
Assigned receive frequency or lower frequency for a band in MHz.
Rx Antenna Pattern Code
Code indicating the antenna radiation pattern used. Possible values are:
  • Omni-directional
  • Uni-directional
  • Bi-directional
  • Other types

This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the links on the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files page.

Rx Channel Capacity Code
Licensed number of equivalent voice channels used for fee calculations. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file chnl_cap.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Rx Antenna Gain (dBi > 960 MHz, dBd < 960 MHz)
The gain of the receiving antenna (in dB) relative to a half wave dipole (dBd). In case of a directional antenna, the gain is in the direction of maximum radiation. For frequencies above 890 MHz, the antenna gain is expressed relative to an isotropic radiator (dBi).
Rx Total Losses (dB)
The total signal losses, in dB, between the antenna and the radio's antenna coupling or antenna branching unit.
Rx Antenna Polarization Code
The receiving antenna's polarization. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file ant_pol.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Rx Spectrum Signature Code
Spectrum signature code of the microwave equipment determined by the type of modulation and channel capacity. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the link on the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files page.
Rx Antenna Azimuth (deg)
Azimuth (in degrees from True North) of the receiving antenna's direction of maximum radiation (lobe). For an omnidirectional radiation pattern, enter 0 degrees. To indicate an azimuth pointing true north, enter 360.0 degrees. For a bi-directional radiation pattern (two main lobes separated from each other by 180 degrees), enter the azimuth of one of the two lobes. It should be noted that the azimuth of the antenna lobe might not correspond to the physical azimuth of the antenna, especially in the case of bi-directional antennas.
Rx Threshold Level for BER 10E-3 (dBW)
The unfaded signal strength received at the station's receiver, in dBW.
Rx Antenna Vertical Elevation Angle (deg)
The receiving antenna's vertical elevation angle (beam tilt) with reference to horizontal ground in degrees.
Unfaded Received Signal Level (dBW)
Signal strength received at the station's receiver (dBW).
Rx Antenna Height Above Ground Level (m)
Height of the antenna elements above ground level in meters.
Rx Antenna Beamwidth (deg)
The angle at which the power is reduced by 3 dB from the antenna main beam (half power beamwidth).
Rx Antenna Model Code
The antenna model employed for the transmitter. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.

Link Station Information

Call Sign
Station call letters used for on-air station identification of a link station.
Licence Number
Licence number of a link station.
Station Location
The name of the link station location. This may consist of the town name and street address, or the name of the geographic site.

Filter Information

Indicates whether the filtering device is connected to the TX branch, the RX branch or both. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Tuned Frequency
Frequency in MHz at which the filtering device is tuned.
Losses caused by the insertion of the filtering device.
Filter Device Code
Code identifying the filtering device and its type. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Manufacturer Code
Code identifying the manufacturer of the filtering device. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Model No.
Model number as specified by the manufacturer (use the same spelling). The models which have the same technical characteristics are grouped under the same filter code. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.

Site Information

Licence Number
The licence number of a single licence. In the case of a group of mobile licences, the first licence number of the range.
Licence Type
Indicates the licence type. Possible types are:
  • Land station
  • Mobile station
  • Ship station
  • Coast station
  • Earth station
  • Aircraft station
  • Space station

This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file lic_type.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.

Call Sign
The set of letters and numbers that are used for on-air station identification.
Station Location
The name of the station location. This may consist of the town name and street address, or the name of the geographic site.
Latitude (ddmmss)
Latitude north of the station's antenna or, for a mobile station, latitude north of the centre of the station's area of operation.
Longitude (dddmmss)
Longitude west of the station's antenna or, for a mobile station, longitude west of the centre of the station's area of operation.
Site Elevation (m)
Height of the ground at the location of the antenna, in meters.
Antenna Structure Height AGL (m)
Height of the antenna supporting structure, above ground level, in metres.
Transportable Flag
Indicates whether the station is transportable. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file stn_tran.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Transportable Radius (km)
Radius of operation of the transportable station in km.
Mobile to Mobile Flag
Indicates if the mobile station(s) is (are) part of a mobile to mobile system (no base station operating on the frequency). This field is used in environment check functions. Mobile to mobile systems are not included in EMC analysis in the ALS at this time. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file mbl2mbl.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Mobile Radius of Operation (km)
Radius of operation of a mobile station in km.
Noise Environment Code
Type of noise environment in which the station will be operating. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Metropolitan Area Flag
Indicates whether the station is located in a metropolitan area. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Congestion Flag
Code that indicates the volume of traffic if the station is in a congested area. This is a coded field. To decode this field in the Radio Frequency Search results, use the file frq_stat.txt from the Radio Frequency Search Field Decode Files.
Number of Identical Mobile Stations
Number of equivalent mobile stations represented by this record. Each individual station must share identical characteristics.

Administrative Information

Licensee Name
Name of the licensee as it appears on the licence (if an individual, family name last).
Company Address
Street and/or postal address of the licensee.
Company Code and Processing Office
A number that identifies the account. For a linked station, company code of the station that is in communication (linked) with the mobile station(s). (This is a mandatory field when completing the link information.)
Holder Name
Name of the person or organization holding the licence on behalf of another person or organization (e.g., sponsor of a club).
International Coordination Required Flag
Indicates that international coordination is required.
International Coordination Serial Number
Serial number of the coordination request.
Frequency Authorization Date
The date that a new or amended licence frequency will come into effect (or in service). It reflects:
  • the date that the client can actually begin using the frequency assignment, and
  • the start of the period for which the client must pay licensing fees for the licence frequency assignment in question.