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Billing Information

Shows your account and invoice information. Enter your credit card information to pay the invoice. Security is assured through the use of encrypted fields and a 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.


Licencee Name
The name of the account holder.
Invoice Number
Invoice number assigned by the system. This is the invoice number you entered previously.
Account Number
Your account number with Industry Canada for radiocommunication licences, including the two-digit district office and nine-digit number that identifies the client or licencee.
The amount due for the invoice in question, that can be changed to a lower value to do a partial payment.
Total Due
The total amount due, which is the Amounts sum. The payment system will only allow you to pay the exact calculated amount of the invoice or less. You cannot make overpayments, but you can make partial payments, as long as it is at most 4,999.00$.
Credit Card
The type of credit card used to pay the invoice. Select a credit card from the list. You can choose from VISA or MasterCard.
Credit Card Number
The complete number of the selected credit card. Do not type spaces in the credit card number. (The credit card number will be encrypted for security purposes.)
Expiration Date: Month
The number of the month that the credit card expires.
Expiration Date: Year
The two-digit year that the credit card expires. (The system assumes the first two digits are "20".)
E-mail Address
Your e-mail address. This is an optional field that Industry Canada will use to communicate with you regarding this payment.


Pay Invoice
Click to pay the Total amount of the current invoice using the specified credit card. You are prompted to confirm payment.
Click to remove all values from the fields in the form.