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Search Criteria

Shows the search parameters that were entered to display the results. To conduct another search, modify the parameters as needed and click Find.


Frequency Range (MHz): Lower
Enter the lower range of the frequency band in which you wish to search. A valid frequency value is in the range of 0.000001 to 999999.999999 MHz.
Frequency Range (MHz): Upper
Enter the upper range of the frequency band in which you wish to search. A valid frequency value is in the range of 0.000001 to 999999.999999 MHz.
Frequency Type
Select whether the search should match transmitter (Tx) frequencies, receiver (Rx) frequencies, or both (Tx or Rx).
Station Type
Select a radio button to specify the type of station to search for. Options are Fixed, Mobile, Broadcasting, or All Types. Searches that include mobile-to-mobile stations will return radius of operation.
Select one or more regions of Canada to search, or select "Canada Wide" to search all records.
Output Format
Select the format for the search results:
  • HTML with selected fields for viewing online or printing using your web browser.
  • ASCII with selected fields for downloading.
  • ASCII with all fields for downloading.
  • XML with all fields for downloading.

If you select an option with all fields, use the adjacent drop-down list to select whether to include filter or link station fields (you cannot include both).


Click to initiate the search function based on the criteria entered.
Click to discard the information you have entered on the form without saving it.