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Equipment List

Select a radio model to copy its parameters to your frequency form.

Note: Occasionally, these records may not reflect the actual specifications of your radio equipment. Always verify this information before saving and submitting your application.

In rare cases, the first bandwidth and first class of emission are not available for a particular model. This information is mandatory on the frequency form for new frequencies.


Manufacturer Name
Name of the radio equipment manufacturer.
Model Number
Model number of the radio equipment. Use this link to copy the equipment parameters to your frequency form.
Certification Number
Industry Canada approval number for the radio equipment.
Lower Frequency
Lower limit of the equipment's operating range, provided for information only.
Upper Frequency
Upper limit of the equipment's operating range, provided for information only.
First Bandwidth (kHz)
Necessary bandwidth of the first emission (in kHz). (Although the second bandwidth is not displayed, it will also be copied to your form if known.)
First Class of Emission
ITU designation for the first class of emission. (Although the second class of emission is not displayed, it will also be copied to your form if known.)