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Frequency Details

Shows detailed information for the mobile station frequency.


Edit Mobile Station Frequency
Use this link to edit the frequency on the Edit Mobile Station Frequency page.


Application Type
Indicates if the current record represents new information or modifications to Industry Canada's information about your existing systems. (Note that you cannot update this selection once you save the record.)
Record ID.
Unique number assigned to each individual frequency record at the time of the original data entry in our database. Applies to modified frequencies only (blank for new frequencies).
Last Edited
Date generated by the system when the associated record was most recently saved.
The letter that was assigned to your channel when it was created, e.g., "A". (For a duplex channel, a read-only copy of the main channel with the Tx and Rx values reversed is created by the system, and identified with an asterisk, e.g., "A*".)
Identifier for the transmission (Tx) frequency to be employed on this channel. Use the identifier in other channels to indicate that the same frequency is used.
Proposed Tx Frequency
Shows the value or range of the requested transmission (Tx) frequency. Not applicable to Rx-only frequencies.
Identifier for the reception (Rx) frequency to be employed on this channel. Use the identifier in other channels to indicate that the same frequency is used.
Proposed Rx Frequency
Shows the value or range of the requested reception (Rx) frequency. Not applicable to Tx-only frequencies.
Type of channel.
Stations with which communication is desired
Identify the fixed or mobile stations or repeater that the station will be communicating with. Include the type of station. For fixed stations or a repeater station, include the call sign if known.
Tx Model Number
Model number of the Tx radio equipment.
Rx Model Number
Model number of the Rx radio equipment.
Tx Manufacturer
Name of the radio equipment manufacturer.
Rx Manufacturer
Name of the radio equipment manufacturer.
Tx Certification Number
Industry Canada approval number for the transmission radio equipment.
Rx Certification Number
Industry Canada approval number for the reception radio equipment.
RF Output Power (W)
Power of the mobile stations on this frequency, in Watts.
First Bandwidth (kHz)
Necessary bandwidth of the first emission (in kHz). This data item is coupled with the First Class of Emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception bandwidth. For all other records, represents the transmission bandwidth.
Second Bandwidth (kHz)
Necessary bandwidth of the second emission (in kHz). This data item is coupled with the Second Class of Emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception bandwidth. For all other records, represents the transmission bandwidth.
First Class of Emission
ITU designation for the first class of emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception class of emission. For all other records, represents the transmission class of emission.
Second Class of Emission
ITU designation for the second class of emission. For Rx Only frequencies, represents the reception class of emission. For all other records, represents the transmission class of emission. Default values derived from REL
Is this station part of a mobile-to-mobile system?
Indicates if this frequency is used to communicate exclusively with other mobile stations.
Please describe the geographic area...
For mobile-to-mobile frequencies, a description of the areas where the frequency is used. (On the mobile station page, you should also define the radius of operation for any station with mobile-to-mobile frequencies.) Initially set to "modification" for modified frequencies.