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Station Details

Shows detailed information for a fixed station.


Edit Fixed Station
Use this link to edit the fixed station on the Edit Fixed Station page.


Application Type
Indicates if the current record represents new information or modifications to Industry Canada's information about your existing systems. (Note that you cannot update this selection once you save the record.)
Licence Number
Licence number of a single licence for an authorized station.
Licence Type
The type of fixed station. Most fixed stations are land stations.
Call Sign
Station call letters used for on-air station identification. Derived from our records for modified stations, or generated by the system when you save a new station.
Last Edited
Date generated by the system when the associated record was most recently saved.
Municipality, Province/Territory AND Street Address; Site Name; or Legal Land Description
Geographical name of the station's location. The location of your station, which should include all the information elements requested. If possible, the information provided in this field should identify the precise location of your antenna structure.
Additional Address Information (if necessary)
Provide additional information for the address that could not be entered in the previous field, if necessary.
Coordinate Origin
Indicates whether a topographic map or global positioning system (GPS) was used to determine coordinates.
Coordinate Format
Indicates system used for coordinates entered. (NAD 83 coordinates are converted to NAD 27 coordinates when transferred to our licensing database.)
Latitude (ddmmss)
Latitude North of the station's antenna or for a transportable station, latitude of the centre of area of operation.
Longitude (dddmmss)
Lontitude West of the station's antenna or for a transportable station, longitude of the centre of area of operation.
Ground Elevation Above Mean Sea Level (m)
Height of the ground above mean sea level at the location of the antenna supporting structure, in meters.
Is this a transportable station?
Indicates whether the station is transportable. A transportable station is a fixed station that may be relocated to other sites within a specified area, but is not in operation when it is being transported.
Radius of Operation (km)
Radius of operation of the transportable station, in kilometres. Defines the area within which the transportable station may be relocated.
Antenna Structure Height Above Ground Level (m)
Height of the antenna supporting structure, above ground level, in metres.
Is the station part of an antenna farm?
Indicates whether the antenna is part of an antenna farm. An antenna farm is defined as a site having four or more transmit frequencies belonging to two or more licensees within a 61m radius.
Are there broadcast antenna structures...?
Indicates whether the applicant is aware of a broadcast antenna within 2 km of their proposed fixed installation.