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Virtual Licence: Forms and Fields

Virtual licences allow radiocommunication licensees to download and print copies of their licences at any time..

To obtain your virtual licence, you will need your account number and licence number. Click the "Virtual Licence" link at the top of the main menu, enter your information, and click the Search button. Immediately, you will be presented with the status of your licence and a link to your virtual licence in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The virtual licence file can then be viewed and printed using free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

In some cases, your virtual licence may not be available, usually because a licence is still pending or has been cancelled, or if you have an outstanding invoice. A message is always given to provide the reason.

To safeguard the confidential information of our protected licence holders, their virtual licences are not available on the public search interface. These clients will have to obtain their own Web Profile. It provides the username and password required to access your confidential account information and virtual licence in the Land Station Browser or Mobile Station Browser.