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Station Details

Shows detailed information about the licence. Click the links to either edit the information as shown or remove the licence from the microwave application.


Edit Station
Click to go to the Edit Station page to edit the information for this station. Note that this function is only available for applications that have not been submitted.


Application Type
Indicates the type of change to this record for the application. Can be:
  • New: a new record that has been created for the application.
  • Modified: an existing record that has been identified and changed.
Licence Number
The licence number of a single licence. In the case of a group of mobile licences, the first licence number of the range.
Last Edited
The date that this record was last modified and saved.
Call Sign
The set of letters and numbers that are used for on-air station identification.
Municipality and Street Address or Site Name
The name of the station location. This may consist of the town name and street address, or the name of the geographic site.
Geographical Coordinates Format
The North American Datum (NAD) geographical coordinates standard used to define the coordinates. Topographical maps produced after 1983 use the NAD 83 geographical coordinates standard. Maps produced before 1983 use the NAD 27 standard (established in 1927).
Latitude (ddmmss)
Latitude north of the station's antenna or, for a mobile station, latitude north of the centre of the station's area of operation.
Longitude (dddmmss)
Longitude west of the station's antenna or, for a mobile station, longitude west of the centre of the station's area of operation.
Antenna Structure Height Above Ground Level (m)
Height of the antenna supporting structure, above ground level, in metres.
Ground Elevation
Height of the ground at the location of the antenna, in meters.
Coordination with Broadcasters within 2 km
Indicates whether coordination has been successfully completed with the operator of a broadcast antenna structure within two kilometres of the proposed site.
Broadcaster Names/Explanation
Lists names of broadcast operators that operate antenna towers within two kilometres of the site, with whom coordination has been successfully completed. If coordination with broadcasters was not completed, this field is used to provide an explanation.