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Passive Reflector Details

Shows in detail the location and characteristics of a site used as a Billboard Passive reflector for your system.


Edit Passive Reflector
Click to go to the Edit Passive Reflector page to edit the billboard passive reflector information. Note that this function is only available for applications that have not been submitted.


This field is generated automatically by the system when a new reflector is added to a frequency record. It is a sequential record of the number of reflectors associated with a frequency, and cannot be modified.
Station Location
The name of the station location. This may consist of the town name and street address, or the name of the geographic site.
Latitude north of the station's antenna or, for a mobile station, latitude north of the centre of the station's area of operation.
Longitude west of the station's antenna or, for a mobile station, longitude west of the centre of the station's area of operation.
Update Date
The date that this record was last modified and saved.
Height of the ground above mean sea level at the location of the repeater, in meters.
Area of Reflection
The area of the reflective surface of the billboard passive reflector, in square metres.
The normal azimuth to the reflection (from the reflector's surface), in degrees.
Elevation Angle
The reflector's elevation angle, in degrees. This angle corresponds to the vertical inclination of the reflection surface. If the surface is tilted downwards, the angle is considered negative. If the surface is tilted upwards, the angle is considered positive.
Antenna Height
Height of the repeater's supporting structure, above ground level, in metres.